1. Early Development Development of the zygote begins within the worm and by the time the proglottid is shed, has already changed into an embryo. The zygote (Fig. 7.11 A, 7.11 B) undergoes complete but unequal cleavage. It produces a mass of blastomeres of 3 types : 2 or 3 macromeres , 3 to 5 mesomeres and numerous micromeres (Fig. 7.11 C). The micromeres form the embryo with 3 pairs of claw-like hooks at the posteiror end. The 6-hooked embryo is called hexacanth . The mesomeres and macromeres form (Fig. 7.11 G) the inner and outer embryonic membranes respectively round the hexacanth. The inner (Fig. 7.11 D, E) membrane later forms a thick, chitinous, radially striated secondary shell or embryophore (Fig. 7.11 F). The hexacanth with embryophore, outer embryonic membrane and shell or capsule wall is known as the onchosphere (Fig. 7.11 G). (Gr. onchos = hook). It is about 40 μm in diameter. It is actually the onchospheres which are set free when the proglottides disintegrate in ...