Why offspring of oviparous animals are at a greator risk as compared to offspring of viviparous animals? (NCERT)

Answer :- Oviparous animals lay eggs in a safe place in the environment. In an open area, the eggs are not always safe and thr Offspings are always at a risk. The viviparous animals give birth of young ones. The fertilized eggs of oviparous animals (example:- birds, reptiles etc.) undergo a period of incubation and then their young one hatch out. This period has risk of predators. In case of viviparous animals (example :- mammals, including human being), the zygote develops into a young one inside the body of the female individual where it gets proper nourishment, care and protection. Therefore, the chances of survival of young ones are more in the viviparous animals as compared to those of oviparous animals. 


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